
Showing posts from 2024

2024 Jimmy Johns Marigold Medallion Hunt Clues Explained

  2024 Jimmy Johns Marigold Medallion Hunt   I knew that Tante Park would be my choice earlier than I usually choose my hiding spot. In early June I created an episode for my podcast   “What’s the Story, Pekin”, where I enlisted Pekin Library’s local historian, Jared Olar to research a special topic.   I asked him if he could look into how a number of iconic Pekin locations got their names.   We titled it “What’s in a Name” and it included places like FM Peterson Theater, CB Smith and Wilson Schools, James Field, McNaughton Park and more.   Jared found great information.   But the place that had him stumped was Tante Park.   In a sense it was a story that is perhaps “lost to history”.   But I knew I had found the Medallion’s future hiding location.   That podcast would be part of my conceptual framework.   Using it would be new, unpredictable, and unexpected- just what keeps the Medallion Hunt special for many.   Besides, this   is our Bicentennial year, and a little history less

The hunt is over! More details coming soon!!


2024 Jimmy John's Marigold Medallion Hunt Clue #6

  Clue#6   Are you drawing closer To the trappings of success? Don’t overlook a sequence of numbers, Nor add to your duress   The ayes have it, but here it’s easy. Indifferent and always strong. You may be down and then you’re up. Broadcasted clearly to a listening throng.   Gary Gillis

2024 Jimmy John's Marigold Medallion Hunt Clue #5

Clue # 5   The wheels are in motion It’s certainly not downhill from here. Yogi talked of a utensil In this case it’s unusually clear.   A funny name for a convention site And for hunters to take a break There may be something that blocks your way Why’s it there for heaven’s sake?     Gary Gillis

2024 Jimmy John's Marigold Medallion Hunt Clue #4

  Clue # 4   I know so many are now looking, There are stories that abound. Venture off, study and listen judiciously. It’s episodic in how it can be found.   What is on the other side of the ball? And a surface like a clue that is hard? You’ll notice in your endeavors That which nature chose to discard.   Gary Gillis  

2024 Jimmy John's Marigold Medallion Hunt Clue #3

    Clue #3   Some people tend to air out their differences. Or perhaps there’s stories they like to tell. Some listen and seek answers to questions. It’s what you learn that serves you well.   How much exercise will this take? Heart pumping blood and working hard? Or will you tune out this reference, Posted studies in this regard?   Gary Gillis    

2024 Jimmy John's Marigold Medallion Hunt Clue #2

Clue#2   Remember the rules and disclaimers. Sometimes I have to say them again and again. I know I’ll likely string you along. Sights and sounds in these clues I’ll extend.   We’ll consider our share of history, Where I take you quite a ways back. Our Bicentennial gives you a lot to study. I’ll take the fifth and wonder how you’ll react.

2024 Jimmy John's Marigold Medallion Hunt Clue #1

  Gary’s Hunt Update: 346-HUNT was a a great tradition; A old phone number now long-fabled. Business changes and technical glitches, Led to the number being permanently disabled, But these days we live our lives online- So change is change, we’ll all be fine. So on with the hunt..   Clue # 1 We’re off to the races again my friends. So many out looking for the elusive disc. Will this be a long laborious process, Or one where hunters make the effort brisk?”   I’ll introduce multiple references, Some plain and one you cannot see. Sagacity and dogged determination. For those at home it will simply be.  

Marigold Medallion Hunt Begins

Marigold Medallion Hunt Begins The first clue will be released Monday, August 26, 2024 at 12:00 PM. [PEKIN, IL] The Marigold Medallion Hunt kicks off on Monday, August 26, 2024! The Marigold Medallion has been hidden in a public location somewhere within the city of Pekin. Prepare to find it by tuning in to the Pekin Marigold Festival Facebook page at 12:00 pm for the first clue. Clues crafted by longtime Cluemaster and Grand Marshal of this year’s Marigold Festival, Gary Gillis, will continue to be released daily, Monday through Friday, at 12:00 pm, and on Saturday at 6:30 am, until the Medallion is found.  The Marigold Medallion hunt is a city-wide hunt for a small disc, hidden in a public location in Pekin. Since 1978, the tradition has transformed Pekin into a treasure map as hunters decode clues from the Cluemaster to uncover the Medallion’s hidden location.  Everyone is encouraged to participate in this exciting challenge, which combines puzzle-solving, exploration, and a touch o