Cluemeister Message

Clue explanations will be forthcoming. However work and additional festival responsibilities may delay them for a few days or more. For those who can't wait that long, let me briefly explain two of the different references that hunters may be curious about. 

The usage of numbers refer to the corresponding letters on a telephone keypad. In clue # 5, "seven, six and five" on your keypad each end with the letters, S, O, L, the first three letters for Soldwedel. To give the hunt a boost I gave that reference better definition and more information in Clue #8.

On Saturday, Clue #6 referred to music from "The Music Man". Two of the songs from that list were "Goodnight Ladies" and "Sadder-But-Wiser Girl". They were both referring to the former Girl Scout Camp and other of activities that are conducted there. While these references were a new approach, my goal was to spice up the hunt with some "homework".   I especially wanted to put in something that allowed those who work the hunt from out-of-town a chance to lend their thinking and interpretive talent in assisting a friend or family member back home who provided the legwork.

I'll have more for you soon. Thanks for participating. I hope you had fun.

Gary Gillis

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